Bovec-Bavsica valley

Šunik creek
The Šunik riverbed, June 2014
The old house that got hit by a huge boulder, June 2014
An idyllic location along the Šunik, Sept 2021
A bit later, still along the Šunik, May 2018
On the path towards the road in the Bavšica valley, June 2014
Šunik creek source
At the source of the Šunik creek, June 2014

Bavšica valley - Details

This undemanding walk starts at Fort Kluže. It takes you to the surprisingly beautiful riverbed of the Šunik creek, a tributary of the Koritnica, at the beginning of the Bavšica valley.
As usual a wide variety of vegetation can be found during the section along the Šunik.
On your way back you can visit the source of the Šunik.
This is our first self-made walk.

On this walk you could also visit the small Koritnica gorge, the next walk on this site.

Between 2018 and 2021 the last 20 meters of the path before reaching the road got overgrown. Also a part of the path after the idyllic house with footbridge is hard to distinguish because of fallen trees. If you cannot use the GPS track it might be better to return after the idyllic house with footbridge shown on the third picture. It might also be possible to cross the footbridge and follow the unpaved road that runs past the house on the right. It will run to the main road.

How to get there
Drive the road from Bovec to Tarvisio. After 3,5 kilometers from Bovec you see the Kluže fortress and a parking place at the right side of the road 200 meters before the fortress. You can park there. In case the parking lot is full (kayakers also park here) there is more parking near the fortress. In that case, walk back to the first parking 200 meters before, where the path starts.

During the walk
At the first parking, walk down the path with wooden stairs to the Koritnica river.
Some 30 meters before you would reach the Koritnica there is a crossing path with a wooden signpost, take the path to the right, signposted as walk B4.
Walk along the path through the woods with the Koritnica riverbed below left for about 670 meters. You reach a small road with a bridge over the Koritnica to a farm. Cross the bridge, follow the road until the sharp bend to the right and walk straight ahead on the wide footpath signposted as walk B5.
The path runs along the other bank of the Koritnica. When the wide path turns right uphill in a sharp bend, walk straight ahead. You continue on a more narrow walking trail, signposted B5b. Before the path descends to the Šunik riverbed, you pass a meadow with an old house that got hit by a huge boulder.
After you walked along the Šunik creek for a while and passed the idyllic house with footbridge, the path turns away from the riverbed, gaining about 100 meters until finally you reach the road into the Bavšica valley. The last part of the path to the road is not visible anymore so you have to find your way through the woods for 20 meters. See the Notes above. Turn left on the road.
From there you walk back along the road to Fort Kluže. When you walk along the road for about 150 meters, start listening carefully. As soon as you hear running water coming from the left (the riverbed), that’s were you can find the source of the Šunik. A picturesque spot with the Šunik emerging between big boulders. There is a waypoint of the spot in the waypoints download.

Trip information
Duration: 1 hour and 40 minutes
Length: 5 kilometers
Height difference: 230 meters

Parking coordinates: 46.359222,13.589694
Send coordinates to maps app

Waypoint of the parking and Šunik source (Google KML): Download
Waypoint of the parking and Šunik source (GPX): Download
Track of the walk (Google KML): Download
Track of the walk (GPX): Download

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