Lepenjica waterfall - Details
This short walk to a viewpoint for the Lepenjica waterfall could easily be combined with a walk to Krnsko jezero because you are at the same parking place.
The gentle ascent to the viewpoint takes you along a nice path with beautiful vegetation and along the edge of the eroded riverbed.
How to get there
On the road from Bovec to Kranjska Gora turn right to the crossroad to Lepena a few hundred meters after kilometer post 13.0. Drive this road through the Lepena valley until the end (about 6,1 kilometers) and park at the lodge Dom dr. Klementa Juga.
During the walk
Walk to the end of the parking with your back to the road you came from. Ignore the path to the left to Krnsko jezero. Continue straight ahead and when you enter the woods, take the left (more obvious) path. There is a little rock with “slap” on it at the beginning.
From there the path is easy to find and it is marked with red-white dots. First the path rises through the woods, the last part you walk along the ridge of the gorge of the riverbed.
The end of the path is marked on a rock at a viewpoint with the words “konec poti” (end of the path).
Trip information
Duration: 35 minutes
Length: 1,2 kilometers
Height difference: 125 meters
Parking coordinates: 46.303604,13.681334
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Waypoint of the parking and the end of the path (Google KML): Download
Waypoint of the parking and the end of the path (GPX): Download
Track of the walk (Google KML): Download
Track of the walk (GPX): Download