Možnica valley - Details
In the middle of woods there are little gorges and rapids, a waterfall and beautiful spots to stay for a while. Just another hidden beauty that you have to know about.
How to get there
On the road from Bovec to Tarvisio you pass the Kluže fortress about 3,5 kilometers from Bovec. Continue driving and some 2,2 kilometers after passing the fortress you can see a parking on the left side of the road with a wooden signpost at kilometer post 10,5 , park there.
During the walk
Walk down the gravel road close to the parking leading to the Koritnica riverbed and cross the big wooden bridge. After the bridge follow the footpath to the right and go through a gate. There is a wooden signpost pointing to the right direction with walk number L1.
Tip: a few meters after the signpost a small path branches off to the right leading to a picturesque part of the Koritnica riverbed in less than two minutes, it is included in the GPS track.
Back on the main path, follow the path which runs parallel to the Koritnica for a few minutes.
You will pass a lime kiln with the sign Apnenica. Little after that follow the left path pointing to Korita Nemčlje, not the one to Log pod Mangrtom. The path turns to the left starting to gain more height. You walk along a nice meadow at your left with a small farm.
At the end of the path along the meadow turn right at a wooden signpost with walk number L1 pointing to Možnica and Korita Nemčlje on a vehicle track.
You will reach another meadow with an old little stable and great views on the mountains. At that point don’t continue on the vehicle track that goes straight ahead but turn left (almost back) along the footpath. There is a wooden signpost with walk number L1 pointing to Korita Nemčlje again.
From there on the path continues almost level to the Nemčlja gorge with the small metal and wood bridge.
Tip: the waterfall Veliki slap Nemčlje is downstream from the bridge. Getting there is a little adventurous. Cross the bridge and go left along the right bank to view the waterfall from above.
Back on the side of the bridge where you came from, the path along the left bank of the Nemčlja creek continues just before the bridge. In other words, with the bridge in front of you, turn right. The rest of the track is not signposted.
From the bridge the path goes up rather steep through woods, after that you reach a meadow with a gravel road. At the end of the little meadow the path continues slightly to the left towards the riverbed again. A little later the path runs shortly along a scree slope. It is best to walk close to the riverbed between boulders. At the end of the scree slope you can find back the path along the tree line. After 100 meters more you will come along a natural arch over the river, a beautiful spot. A few minutes later you reach the point where we stopped.
It is possible to go on from there but the path gets less obvious.
Trip information
Duration: 1 hour and 45 minutes
Length: 4,4 kilometers
Height difference: 220 meters
Parking coordinates: 46.380448,13.584924
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Waypoint of the parking and points of interest (Google KML): Download
Waypoint of the parking and points of interest (GPX): Download
Track of the walk (Google KML): Download
Track of the walk (GPX): Download