Bovec-Slap Kozjak

Slap Kozjak
Slap Kozjak, May 2010
Along the Soča, May 2022
The other waterfall under the stone bridge, May 2005
In the gorge, May 2023
The narrow gorge, seen from the cave, May 2023
The start of the gallery to the cave, May 2022

Slap Kozjak - Details

If you are near Kobarid and have an hour left to spend, this is a nice walk to do. The last part of the walk is through a nice gorge and the walk ends at the half open cave that you enter via a gallery, where the 15 meter high Kozjak waterfall is.
There are many 1st World War remains in this area that you can visit by several paths branching off from the main path while you are in the beginning of the gorge.

This website was born here
At the parking there is an information board which we saw in May 2013. On that board is a picture of slap Curk. Having been in the area during 10 holidays we found it strange that we never read about this waterfall since it didn’t look like it was a small minor waterfall.
Back in the apartment we tried to find a description of how to get there. Slap Curk was not mentioned on our map. Besides some pictures there were no descriptions on the internet. Finally we found a gps track on I was able to get to the start of the walk by car, using my GPS device with the downloaded track on it. That is when I finally decided to build this website…

How to get there
From Kobarid drive to the Napoleon bridge which is the old road to Tolmin via Kamno. Just across the bridge turn left to Drežnica. After 150 meters there is a large parking place at the right where you can park. There is another parking place further on at the left where you also find the machine for parking tickets.

During the walk
Walk in direction of Drežnica for about 80 meters. The walk starts at the opposite side of the road at the second parking place. There is a clearly signposted path that goes across the grassland.
​After passing the grassland you walk along the Soča for 300 meters. Then the path turns right. This is where the gorge starts, becoming more narrow as you continue. During the walk there is another waterfall under a stone bridge where you cross the Kozjak creek.
​At times of high water levels it might not be possible to walk the last 50 meters to Slap Kozjak without getting wet feet.

Trip information
Duration: 70 minutes
Length: 3,3 kilometers
Height difference: 70 meters

Parking coordinates: 46.249445,13.587583
Send coordinates to maps app

Waypoints of the parking and the waterfall (Google KML): Download
Waypoints of the parking and the waterfall (GPX): Download
Track of the walk (Google KML): Download
Track of the walk (GPX): Download

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