
Google Maps page with all the locations

The map shows the STARTING POINTS of all the walks to locations on this website.
Please find an additional explanation below the map.
Banner: The mountain scenerey as seen from Mangart towards the east, Triglav in the middle, Jalovec in the front right.

Google Maps Output

– Click on a waypoint to see the name. All the name labels stay on the map. Click on the X or press F5 to remove them.
– Choose between Map or Satellite (Google Earth) view with the controls in the top right corner.
– That’s all for the important controls, all other controls work well also, like StreetView, switching between miles/kilometers at the bottom, a.s.o.

About the waypoints
This map contains square waypoints of all the locations that are described on this website to give some orientation. In most cases the waypoints show the parking places, so where to start the walk, only in a few cases the waypoint is the natural sight itself (like the Soca 1st gorge).
The names used on the map are similar to the names of the locations. However, to keep the label names as short as possible, some names are shortened (e.g. the location “Fratarica gorge (with Slap Parabola)” is called Fratarica on this map.

If you want, you can download a KML file for Google Earth with all the waypoints here.

Opinion poll: please let me know if you like that the labels stay on the map. It could be easy, or annoying…